Trench Sheets & Piles
HERMEQ are suppliers of a wide range of overlapping trench sheets, interlocking trench sheets and hot rolled U piles. Trench sheets and U piles are most commonly used for shoring up excavation & ground works. The trench sheets & sheet piles are primarily designed to be handled and installed by excavators using the bucket to drive the sheets vertically into the ground. We also offer a wide range of shoring equipment including our industry leading range of trench boxes, manhole boxes & trench edge protection systems.
Featured Products
- Trench Sheets - FLP 600/6.0Quick 5 Day Delivery
- U PilesQuick 5 Day Delivery
- U Piles - ThyssenKruppQuick 5 Day Delivery
- Z PilesQuick 5 Day Delivery
- Lightweight Trench BoxQuick 5 Day Delivery
- Trench Pile Infills - CordekQuick 5 Day Delivery
- Steel BeamsQuick 5 Day Delivery